Thursday, March 22, 2012

I noticed today, that I just could not stand still. I danced in the shower, I did Zumba at 6 am, I danced and beebopped all day at work. I couldn't stop moving. Yesterday I did a massive clean on the house. I just keep on moving and I just have more and more energy each time. I am really loving this, and enjoying the weight loss. I will be happy when I break the 300 lb mark and go under. For now, I am good right here. Next week I am sure to be under the mark.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why so many of us fail at losing weight!

Originally posted by Calire 
I had saved this e-mail from E-diets today, with an article attached "22 Reasons Why You'll be Fat Forever" 
22 Reasons You Might Be Fat Forever. 

You are still looking for a quick and easy solution to weight loss. 
You think that diet and exercise are the only essential factors involved in weight loss. 
You have not identified the psychological reasons that drive your eating patterns. 
You have not learned to manage or heal the psychological reasons that drive your eating patterns. 
You have a fear of or resistance to growing up and becoming a full adult. 
You use food as a reward or a treat after any or all stressful events. 
You think you can lose weight without making exercise a regular part of your day, every day. 
You think you can lose weight by doing it “your way.” 
You expect to lose weight without making significant lifestyle changes. 
You refuse to learn to become a good receiver as well as a good giver. 
You have never learned to be effectively and appropriately assertive. 
You have not learned to express your anger in a healthy, honest fashion. 
You have not learned to be self-nurturing except with food. 
You are excessively self-critical. 
You refuse to take responsibility for your life. 
You resist learning to love yourself. 
You resist learning to love your body before it is thin. 
You have not faced your inner fears of being thin. 
You are certain that spirituality (a connection to a force greater than you) is irrelevant to weight loss. 
You think you can lose significant weight without the support of others. 
You have deep emotional wounds that you refuse to explore and heal. 
You are not prepared to have weight be an issue that you will have to face each and every day for the rest of your life. 
OK, now you have some incredibly important information about yourself and the things that are blocking your weight loss. You now have a choice. You can get depressed and go into avoidance or denial, or you can choose to make a renewed and informed commitment to your growth and well-being. The decision you make could change your life and your body for good!

So Sorry

I am soooo sorry to anyone that was committed to reading me and did so, and then got no more for weeks. I have been so committed to my diet, and other life changes that I have not been able to make it back to post.

So today March 21, 2012, I am weighing in at around 40 lbs down from my start weight.

Weight: 301 lbs

I have started doing Zumba, and it feels great. I have found some wonderful bits of information and things to add to my journey from fat to fabulous.

I would just like to add, to anyone that thinks my weight is just melting off, and I am on some easy quick fix diet, that is soooo not the case. I am a committed person. I am making life changes that are reasonable and within my ability to maintain, so that my weight will stay off. I hate yo yo dieting, and promised myself I would never do that, and I will not. I am working my butt off, to make my butt smaller and the rest of me at the same time.

I hope you will all come back to join me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 2 start

Week 1 starting weight: 331
Goal:                             10
Week 2 starting weight: 319
Total Loss:                    12

Awesome, so I knew this was the result before I started this blog, but I thought I should still start the blog and begin the diet where I actually started. I am sooo pleased to have lost 17 lbs already, and 12 in this week alone.
Metabolic health and exercise are very important in losing weight. I lost much more weight while eating healthy and regularly, than I did when I was sick and not eating at all. Please, do not fast while trying to learn and maintain a healthy new eating lifestyle. You must be reasonable, because this is a lifestyle you will have to maintain the rest of your life, to keep the weight off and be healthy. So whatever your reasons for losing, you must be reasonable about the end result and where you will go from there. This is a total lifestyle change, not just a diet.

Diet Starting

Now that I have the introductions out of the way, and the purpose of this blog, lets get to it.
I decided, for health reasons, and because my weight is holding me back athletically and in some of my adventures, that I want to lose weight. So, I went to Mexico. Oh wait, that wasn't for the purpose of losing weight, it was for fun, but I chickened out on the snorkeling because I was afraid I would not be able to swim the distance needed and it would be awkward to get in and out of the boat. I gave up on fun, and beauty unknown to me, because of an uncomfortable weight situation. It slapped me across the face fast and hard. While in Mexico, I did it. Yep, I drank the water. Well not the water, but I LOVE iced tea, and I LOATHE soda pop, so I had iced tea each night with dinner. When I came back from Mexico, you guessed it, Montezuma's revenge. It wasn't horrible, just a sickening in my stomach that stopped me from eating. I ate NOTHING, not Friday, nor Saturday, nor Sunday, or even Monday. I was SICK. On Tuesday I ate something, and it came back up a short time later. On Tuesday night, my blood sugar was extremely low. I have hypoglycemia, and this sickness was taking its toll on my body. Now, I had not been sticking with a proper diet in a few years, so my metabolism was already off. I also have a condition called PCOS, which, with hormone fluctuations and differences, causes me to have horrible metabolism. I can think about sitting down to watch the news and gain five pounds, just thinking about it. I had a wonderful nutritionist supply me with a diet to specifically counter both the PCOS and the hypoglycemia. When I first got on it to regulate myself and bring my body into a better status, I lost 100 lbs, in 5 months. WOW indeed. Well, I had lost 5 lbs just from the lack of eating, and my stomach had already shrunk, and I knew what I had to do. I knew, to recover from the damage by body had incurred, and to get myself healthy again, I was going to have to rethink my ways of eating, permanently. I also know, that I cannot use 4 kids as an excuse to not exercise. They need me to do this, so I will be there for them, until they are grown, their children are grown, and I have great grandchildren, or longer. So I decided to put my new healthy diet into effect. I also decided to start exercising. No, I did not join some fancy gym. I have a wii, so I am doing Just Dance 2 and 3 in the evenings, and I have a Tony Little Gazelle, that I use for 15 to 30 minutes in the morning, to jump start my day. I think it is a great idea.
Our biggest problems, is that exercising for the periods of time we all think we need to, is exhausting for an extremely overweight body, and aerobics does not do us as much good, as just enough to get our heart rate up for 15 minutes does. So, break it down into smaller bites that are more manageable. Don't do 30 minutes until you are ready for it. When we put unattainable goals on ourselves, we give up to easily. When we put reasonably attainable goals on ourselves, we feel a sense of accomplishment when we meet them. Don't go too big at first, 15 minutes exercise that elevates your heart rate over 100 is plenty of exercise, and do that 2 or 3 times a day, to get 45 minutes of cardio a day. Get some nice stretchy bands, look up some strength and toning routines online, and spend 15 minutes on strength and toning, you will need to do this right away, as you will be left with lots of flop if you don't. If you are going to put in the effort to get rid of the fat, take the time to get rid of the excess skin and that horrible bye bye arm as well.
Okay, now I have the diet, and the exercise program down. Lets track our progress. I am going to be using a program called Lose it. It is an app you can get on your phone or tablet. It lets you track your food intake each day, and your exercise and gives you an idea of where you are, and what you need to do for the rest of the day. Just remember, you should have a calorie surplus at the end of the day, if you are in the hole, you will gain weight. There are many diet trackers on line, and apps you can get for your phones or tablets that can do this for you. Feel free to examine them, and find one that fits for you. Next, I am sure you can find a support community, either on line, or at a local church or recreation center. This is helpful because it keeps you accountable, and people that are in the same spot as you are who you are accountable to, not skinny minis that have never walked an inch in your shoes let alone a mile. No, I am not getting down on those of you that have never had weight issues, but really, its like someone without kids giving us advice on raising them. It doesn't do much for us no matter how much education they have.
So I have my healthy eating habit, any dietician at your local doctors office or health department can help you with this, I have my exercise routine, and I have a support group. I am ready to log my starting weight, and take some before pics and get going. It might be a couple of days on those pics.

My start weight, well I didn't weigh myself right away because I was sick, but I am using my weight after I felt good enough to get my frame of mind and a new scale, and figuring I lost about 5 lbs while sick. I was 331 when I weighed, add 5 lbs, that is 336 for my start weight. I will use last Tuesday Jan 31 as my start date and log my results, sometimes daily, sometimes every few days. Plus, my personal goal weight is based on what I am comfortable with, technically I will still be obese by current standards, but I like to be nicely rounded. So I am going with a goal of 200 lbs, instead of 170 like my charts say.

Start weight: 336
Height:         5'8"
Goal weight: 200
Total Goal:  -136
Goal week 1: 10 lbs
Goal week 2: 10 lbs
Who am I?
Well, I am just your typical mother of 4. I spend my days calming tears and fears, hugging and kissing away boo boos and loving the most amazing little girls in the world, to me. I also work in my spare time. I decorate cakes at the local grocer. No, it isn't a career in my chosen field, but it is 8 hours a day playing in icing, making beautiful works of art, and putting smiles on the faces of people of every age. What a rewarding job I have. I work for Dillon's Grocery Store, and holding of Kroger companies. What makes my job great? Well I already told you, I get to do it in my spare time and I play with icing all day. Okay, there is more to it than that. I work with some of the most wonderful people. They make me laugh, they make me grateful, and they make me realize just how wonderful my world is. I am an incredibly lucky woman.
I wake each day, to jump into the shower and rush as fast as possible to clean myself before it is time to wake the children. The youngest is the first to rise, she has a bus to get on so she can go to preschool in the next town over. She is not always too thrilled at the prospect, but we manage most days just the same. The older three, well the oldest finally wakes herself to get ready, usually before I wake. My two middle beauties, I wake them as soon as I have managed to dress the youngest. Then it is a mad dash to beat her bus by having socks, shoes, book bag and coat ready when they honk. Off she goes with a kiss and a wave goodbye, and then it is on to getting the kindergartner ready for her day. She is my smiley child, not nearly as difficult and she wakes so chipper each morning. I need to learn to stop and smell her hair, because it seems some days she gets pushed aside for everyone else, and I just want her to know, I love her so very much. Once they are all off to school then it is my mad dash to finish getting ready for work. I have a lunch to fix, hair and makeup, and where the heck is my uniform? Whew, I am off to work and from here it is smooth sailing.
Who else is in my life you ask, on a daily basis? No one. I am a single mother of four and I am making it. There are days I wished I had someone, and then there are days I think, no he would just take my time away from them. Sometimes I think, maybe just a long term boyfriend, nothing more serious, so that he doesn't actually live with us, we just keep each other company from time to time and add to each others' lives without intruding on them. Alas, there is always time tomorrow to think about that, but today, I am happy right here.
Well hello there. Welcome to my blog. You can call me Randie. I created this blog because I have all this internal thought process with virtually no outlet for any of it. Sometimes my thoughts and musings are random and hectic, but sometimes they are thoughtful and with a point. I will try to give you a good dosing of each, as no one can live without humor, and my random and hectic mind gives way to lots of interesting and funny thoughts. Though my main purpose is because I want to chronicle my weight loss and help others with my enthusiasm. Hope you all enjoy my blog!